Government News
1 . Visa exemption extends to 5 European countries
Tourists from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and Italy will continue to be exempted from visa until June 2021, Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc said at a Government meeting on Thursday.
Visa will be waived for tourists coming to Việt Nam from these five countries for another three years (until June 30, 2021) after the visa waiver programme expires at the end of June this year.
When the extension expires, Việt Nam would review its unilateral visa exemption policy and re-evaluate its electronic visa pilot, the PM said during a monthly Government meeting in Hà Nội on Thursday.
“Extending the visa exemption is definitely something we should opt for, since at the moment, Việt Nam waives visa one-sidedly for only 24 countries – including nine ASEAN countries – while our neighbours are doing more than that,” he said.
He also assigned the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to review and report on the challenges facing electronic visa issuance and on making amendments to the Immigration Law.
Visa exemption for tourists from the five Western European countries has helped increase the number of tourists from these markets by 10.1 per cent since it was introduced in mid-2015, according to the Việt Nam Tourism Advisory Board.
2 . Vietnamese Citizens To Enjoy Visa-Free Entry To Chile
From 11 August 2017, Vietnamese passport holders traveling to Chile will be exempted from the visa requirement, and Chileans coming to Viet Nam will enjoy the same story.
The new regulation follows the visa waiver agreement signed by the two Governments on 17 October 2016.
Accordingly, citizens of the two countries carrying ordinary passports with at least six-month validity will be waived from visa requirements upon entry through international border gates. Their stay must not exceed 90 days from the date of entry.
In case of staying more than 90 days, travelers must ask permission from authorities.
The regulation is not applicable for entry with the purpose of conducting income-bearing activities.
Viet Nam now waives visas for travelers from 23 countries and territories. From this 1 February, the Government started piloting e-visas for citizens of 40 countries and territories in Asia, Europe and America.
With e-visas, foreign citizens can enter Viet Nam through 8 airports, 13 road border gates and 7 seaports.
3 . List Of Country Is Eligible To Apply For Vietnam E-Visa 2023
The E-visa Vietnam program allows foreign citizens of 80 eligible countries that hold a passport valid for at least two (2) months after arrival to Vietnam, to travel to and within the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for up to 30 consecutive days. It is electronically issued; a single entry visa that must be requested at least two (2) working days prior to the departure date.
No. | ICAO | Nation | Notes |
1 | AND | Andorra | |
2 | ARG | Argentina | |
3 | ARM | Armenia | |
4 | AUS | Australia | |
5 | AUT | Austria | |
6 | AZE | Azerbaijan | |
7 | BLR | Belarus | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
8 | BEL | Belgium | |
9 | BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
10 | BRA | Brazil | |
11 | BRN | Brunei | Visa Exemption of 14 days |
12 | BGR | Bulgaria | |
13 | CAN | Canada | |
14 | CHL | Chile | Visa Exemption of 90 days |
15 | CHN | China (Including Hong Kong and Macau. Not apply for Chinese passport electronic passport - passport number starts with letter E) |
16 | COL | Colombia | |
17 | HRV | Croatia | |
18 | CUB | Cuba | |
19 | CYP | Cyprus | |
20 | CZE | Czech Republic | |
21 | DNK | Denmark | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
22 | EST | Estonia | |
23 | FJI | Fiji | |
24 | FIN | Finland | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
25 | FRA | France | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
26 | GEO | Georgia | |
27 | D | Germany | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
28 | GRC | Greece | |
29 | HUN | Hungary | |
30 | ISL | Iceland | |
31 | IND | India | |
32 | IRL | Ireland | |
33 | ITA | Italy | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
34 | JPN | Japan | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
35 | KAZ | Kazakhstan | |
36 | KOR | Korea (South) | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
37 | LVA | Latvia | |
38 | LIE | Liechtenstein | |
39 | LTU | Lithuania | |
40 | LUX | Luxembourg | |
41 | MKD | Macedonia The former Yugoslav of | |
42 | MLT | Malta | |
43 | MHL | Marshall Islands | |
44 | MEX | Mexico | |
45 | FSM | Micronesia Federated States of | |
46 | MDA | Moldova | |
47 | MCO | Monaco | |
48 | MNG | Mongolia | |
49 | MNE | Montenegro | |
50 | MMR | Myanmar | Visa Exemption of 14 days |
51 | NRU | Nauru | |
52 | NLD | Netherland | |
53 | NZL | New Zealand | |
54 | NOR | Norway | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
55 | PLW | Palau | |
56 | PAN | Panama | |
57 | PNG | Papua New Guineaư | |
58 | PER | Peru | |
59 | PHL | Philippines | Visa Exemption of 21 days |
60 | POL | Poland | |
61 | PRT | Portugal | |
62 | QAT | Qatar | |
63 | ROU | Romania | |
64 | RUS | Russia | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
65 | WSM | Samoa | |
66 | SMR | San Marino | |
67 | SRB | Serbia | |
68 | SVK | Slovakia | |
69 | SVN | Slovenia | |
70 | SLB | Solomon Islands | |
71 | ESP | Spain | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
72 | SWE | Sweden | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
73 | CHE | Switzerland | |
74 | TLS | Timor Leste | |
75 | ARE | United Arab Emirates | |
76 | GBR | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
77 | USA | United States of America | |
78 | URY | Uruguay | |
79 | VUT | Vanuatu | |
80 | VEN | Venezuela |